




Dírhavel The Poet

Dírhavel The Poet

In an introductory note, existing in different forms, it is said that though made in Elvish speech and using much Elvish lore, especially of Doriath, the Narn i Hîn Húrin was the work of a Mannish poet, Dírhavel, who lived at the Havens of Sirion in the days of Eärendil, and there gathered all the tidings that he could of the House of Hador, whether among Men or Elves, remnants and fugitives of Dor-lómin, of Nargothrond, of Gondolin, or of Doriath. In one version of this note Dírhavel is said to have come himself of the House of Hador. This lay, longest of all the lays of Beleriand, was all that he ever made, but it was prized by the Eldar, for Dírhavel used the Grey-elven tongue, in which he had great skill. He used that mode of Elvish verse which was called Minlamed thent / estent, and was of old proper to the narn (a tale that is told in verse, but to be spoken and not sung). Dírhavel perished in the raid of the Sons of Fëanor upon the Havens of Sirion.
Unfinished Tales, "Narn i Hîn Húrin"

It is interesting to try out how would Dírhavel, a refugee of the Havens of Sirion would now about the deeds of Túrin. The closest that I have come to find is this:

Then Túrin bowed low to her, and turned, and left the hall of Brodda; but all the rebels that had the strength followed him. They fled towards the mountains, for some among them knew well the ways of the wild, and they blessed the snow that fell behind them and covered their trail. Thus though soon the hunt was up, with many men and dogs and braying of horses, they escaped south into the hills. Then looking back they saw a red light far off in the land they had left. "Farewell now. Lord of Dor-lómin," said Asgon. "But do not forget us. We shall be hunted men now; and the Wolf-folk will be crueller because of your coming. Therefore go, and do not return, unless you come with strength to deliver us. Farewell!"
Unfinished Tales, "Narn i Hîn Húrin"

Along with this:

Of Túrin's deeds in Brodda's hall Húrin now learned from the outlaws the true tale; and he looked on Asgon and his men, and he said: 'Men are changed here. In thraldom they have found thrall hearts. I desire no longer any lordship among them, nor elsewhere in Middle-earth. I will leave this land and wander alone, unless any of you will go with me, to meet what we may. For I have no purpose now, unless I find chance to avenge the wrongs of my son.'
The War of the Jewels, "Wanderings of Húrin"

In the account that is given in the Published Silmarillion, when Húrin is granted leave from Angband, he goes to Nargothrond and seeks the Nauglamír to give them to Thingol. This was of course, an editorial addition by Christopher Tolkien. In the account given in the Wanderings, Húrin is met by the outlaws that fled with Túrin, and it seems that it were these same outlaws who helped Húrin bring the treasure of Nargothrond to Thingol. So it is a guess that these outlaws were the ones who provided parts of the information of the adventures of Túrin required for the Tale. Now if we suppose that the outlaws after giving the treasure of Nargothrond to Thingol left their Halls, it is a good possibility that some of them might have survived and gone to the Havens of Sirion. Who knows, maybe Dírhavel might have been one of them.

Provided by Maedhros (Username on TTF)

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